The Share Your Passion Tag

It seems like my posts are becoming more and more regular! *Insert frenzied clapping*. Today I’ll be doing the Share Your Passion tag in which I basically share about what I love doing in my spare time. Hopefully I’ll have another post later in the week where I’ll explain my experiences from when I visited a publishing house in America. But, for now, the tag…

The rules:

  1. Repost the #ShareYourPassion logo on your acceptance post. (As seen on featured image.)
  2. Tag the blogger’s site that nominated you. (Tagging at Africa Boy )I’m proud that I figured out how to do that with the hyperlink !
  3. Share a bit about your passion(s): Hobbies outside of blogging that keep you busy in your free time. What would you like to accomplish with these things? How could you use your passion(s) to be a blessing to others and show them the love of God?
  4. Nominate ten other bloggers and spread the joy! (I might not quite make 10 but we’ll see how close we get.)

My Hobbies Outside of Blogging:

  • Writing is definitely my biggest pastime at the moment. I’ve currently set myself a deadline to have finished my current book (not editing just rewriting) by the end of October. It’s quite a bit of work but it’s fun and I’m experimenting at the moment with my writing style based on the books I’ve been reading.
  • Playing the piano! Whilst I like playing tricky piano and working my way through what I can manage at Grade Five, I really enjoy improvising and playing using lead sheets and making up my arrangements. I particularly love playing ‘So Will I’ by Hillsong at the moment with the chords.
  • Reading, of course. I’m currently at 10% of the way through (or at least that’s what my phone is saying) of The Count of Monte Cristo. It’s easier to read than I thought it would be.
  • I don’t watch a tonne of TV but I have to admit that I’m enjoying University Challenge. 😉

What I Hope To Achieve With These Hobbies:

  • Well, writing’s probably the simplest. Like all aspiring authors (who have been told copious times to take off the ‘aspiring’ and just call themselves an author) I hope to be published one day!
  • Also, with piano I’d love to be able to get my Grade Five theory and then see where that goes, as well as to become more confident with my rhythm which is definitely a weak spot 😉
  • And reading and TV may never go anywhere but I’d definitely like to be more well read! I’ve just recently set up a Goodreads account so you will eventually be able to find my book reviews there 🙂

How I Could Use These Passions:

  • Ultimately, I’m still thinking about this but would really love my books to be a gift to the people that read them. I’d love if they were completely clean and an escape from some of the common YA fiction that people read.

So… that was fun, despite my computer overheating and WordPress glitching 😉

Today I’m tagging:

Jenna Terese

The Introverted Raconteur

Joyful Creations

An Ordinary Pen

I hope you enjoy this one!

And to end, I’m giving you a bit of spontaneous worship that I’ve really enjoyed listening to recently:

I never said it was short! 😉

7 responses to “The Share Your Passion Tag”

  1. Jenna Terese Avatar

    Loved reading this! What a cool tag! Thanks so much for tagging me! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Elizabeth Avatar

      Thanks for reading! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Rachel Avatar

    Thanks for tagging me, Elizabeth!!)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Rachel Avatar

    Also, it is so cool that you are writing a book! I hope that goes well=)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. secret admirer Avatar
    secret admirer

    Woah now you have loads of fans commenting I feel insignificant…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Elizabeth Avatar

      Hahaha. Tell me when you’ve made your blog so I can comment too 😉


  5. Jenna Terese - Share Your Passion Tag | Jenna Terese Avatar

    […] when Elizabeth tagged me for the Share Your Passion tag, I was so excited! I love talking about art and how I feel […]

    Liked by 1 person

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